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Black honey (bitter)

U$. 6

Description of Kharisma Premium Bitter Black Honey | Diabetes Diabet Herbal Best-selling
Kharisma Premium Bitter Black Honey is honey taken from wild flower nectar-sucking bees that grow in the forest interior, including mahogany tree flower nectar.

Premium Bitter Black Honey is honey formulated with selected spices to become Premium Bitter Black Honey.

- maintain and treat the pancreas
- maintain gastric health
- maintain heart health
- maintain lung health
- maintain liver health

Kharisma Premium Bitter Black Honey
Contents: 500 grams
BPOM RI Permit: TR 163 694 681
Production: CV Kharisma Food

- Honey
- Propolis
- Mahogany Extract
- and other spice extracts

- Adults: 3 x 2 tablespoons / day
- Children: 2 x 2 teaspoons / day

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